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Computer Science was started 2009 and this is a three year under graduation program with the objective to develop advanced programming skills and strategies to solve various logical challenges using different
programming languages. Computer Science or BCA / BCS focus more on developing software and networking-based skills. There are a lot of career opportunities after completing BCA / BCS in Computer Science such as working as a Networking Master, Software Developer, and Tester, Web Developer,
Cryptography, etc.
To contribute effectively to the important national endeavor to produce quality human resource in the information technology and related areas for sustainable development of the country’s IT industry needs.
To advance the state of the art in computer science and engineering by working on cutting edge research topics, publishing quality research papers and filing enduring patents.
To serve the local and the national community by creating awareness about IT related products and to impress upon then the importance of knowledge management.
To produce highly qualified and motivated graduates through a rigorous curriculum of theory and application that develops the ability to solve problems, individually and in teams.
Creating knowledge of fundamental principles and innovative technologies through research within the core areas of computer science and also in inter-disciplinary topics.
Serving the communities to which we belong at local and national levels, combined with a deep awareness of our ethical responsibilities to our profession and to society
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