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Extended Profile |
The Department of Economics was established with the inception of the College in 1982. Economics is offered as one of the three optional subjects to B.A programme and it is mandatory paper in B.Com programme.
The main aim of the department is to acquaint the students about various aspects of the functioning of Indian Economy, economic reforms fiscal policy and role of RBI.
The Study of important issues poverty, unemployment, demographic dividend Sustainable development, environment protection and issues in agricultural is essential for students to make them responsible citizens.(The department attempts to impart life skills and soft skills). The department emphasizes on empowering the students with soft skills and life skills with rich human and moral values (in regular classes and special classes) for community life.
To deliver highly employable students with strong analytical skills, creative intelligence, entrepreneurial and organizational skills needed for solving complex business, Micro, Macro, environmental factors and different economic policies, management policy and organizational problems in a global and frequently changing environment.
To generate interest in the discipline of Economics among students by imparting sound theoretical knowledge and developing quantitative skills to analyze economic behavior.
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